WBL Observatory Network

WBL Observatory Network

The mission of the Network is to promote WBL forms of professional learning in Danubian countries and boost knowledge exchange among all VET partners in the region. The Network focuses on the enhancement of the prestige of VET among parents via spreading forms of professional orientation and carrier building.

The services of the Network on the national and international level are defined by the partners from the joint services list as follows:

  • Knowledge transfer for stakeholders, capacity building for VET actors, development of methodologies, guidelines, case studies,
  • Promotion of professional orientation for elementary students and carrier guidance scheme for VET students,
  • Providing advisory service (schools, teachers, students, companies, etc.),
  • Recommend training standards and structural models,
  • Organizing professional trainings for experts (companies, schools, teachers, etc.),
  • Delivering conferences and publications for stakeholders: national agencies, schools, teachers, students, companies, etc.,
  • Boosting cross-compliance of competences,
  • Collecting and sharing best practices among VET partners: regional chambers, companies, schools, ministries, etc.
  • Recommendation best existing linking between school and companies, techniques of regional promotion of WBL,
  • Exchange of news, initiatives, best practices via the Portal of the Network
  • Organising study visits and conferences,
  • Development of new joint projects,
  • Exchange of experts and expert work