Learning by Doing

Learning by Doing

The project “Learning by Doing” aims to develop a Vocational Education and Training (VET) framework to better serve the labour market needs in the Danube region. The project aims to improve the capacities of all relevant VET actors through reinforcing regional, national and transnational partnerships in order to ease the transition of existing VET systems towards Work-Based Learning (WBL). Achieving this goal, capacity development of VET actors is supported through staff exchange, international knowledge sharing and on-site interactive trainings.

One output will be a manual that will serve as a guidance for the transition of existing VET systems into Work-Based Learning systems. A further milestone is the creation of a state-of-the-art knowledge center providing access to the most uptodate knowledge about vocational education and training.

Learning by Doing is a strategic project based on the decision of the Danube Transnational Programme. All Danube region countries are involved (14 countries, with 24 partners), including chambers and national level vocational training authorities. The project is co-financed by the European Union and the Hungarian State, as part of the Danube Transnational Programme. Learning by Doing is led by Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry as a lead partner.

Project total budget: 2,358,967.8 EUR
Website: http://www.interreg-danube.eu/approved-projects/learning-by-doing

Within Learning by Doing project Work package 4 aimed to develop transnational tools to support long-term transition of VET systems, including dual VET and apprenticeship. Economies (investments) and societies (labour skills, outmigration, and demography) of the Danube Region are strongly interdependent. The aim is to equip VET partnerships in the Danube Region with durable transnationally convertible tools and change mind-set to catalyse and implement the needed complex, long-term changes in the institutional, cultural & organisational frames.
Transition towards more efficient, more company and practice driven Work-Based Learning schemes within VET (especially apprenticeship) is a visible trend in the entire Danube Region addressing labour market disparities and youth unemployment.
Both the Guidebook for more efficient Work-Based Learning in the Danube Region and the Work-Based Learning Observatory target all VET actors of the Danube Region, to support on a long-term the transition processes of WBL schemes within VET systems of the region with expertise and knowledge sharing. By doing so, the observatory (managed by all partners, and operated mainly by the LP) will use the guidebook as one of the key tools.
Based on the case studies, Belgrade CCI in cooperation with IIE prepared the Guidebook, highlighting/structuring partners’ experience in capacity building regarding institutional, cooperation and cultural as well as human challenges, hindering the necessary transition towards a more demand and practice driven WBL system in the Danube Region. The guidebook has been presented during the final conference. The guidebook should provide a constant input for the establishment/operation of the Observatory and towards the preparation of the strategies.

You can download the Guidebook from HERE